3 Cool Tips to Boost Summer Ice Cream Sales

3 Cool Tips to Boost Summer Ice Cream Sales

While ice cream is a popular and enjoyable treat any time of year, there's no denying the fact that summer is the season when ice cream stores truly shine. But in order to make the most of the increased demand, it's up to you to determine how to best market your product and get customers in the door for a sweet treat. Here are just a few smart tips to help boost summer ice cream sales all season long.

Use Novelty Holidays

True ice cream connoisseurs know that in the USA, vanilla ice cream is commemorated annually with its own special day -- the 23rd of July is ‘National Vanilla Ice Cream Day’. Take advantage of all of the marketing opportunities that come with this delicious holiday by offering a special discount or promotion to customers on that day. Or, create a contest with a prize and choose a winner on social media. Post about the promotion on all of your store's social media pages to get the greatest number of participants. It's also helpful to document the promotion with images and post those to relevant social media pages as well. Customers love to be in the spotlight!


Invest in New Equipment/Flavors

The busy summer ice cream season is the perfect time to test new flavors and new equipment you've been wanting to try. For example, a Taylor ice cream or frozen yogurt machine for sale is a high end piece of equipment that's easy to use and provides consistent quality. If you're more interested in experimenting with new flavors, don't hesitate to ask for customer feedback using social media or an in-store suggestion box. Make sure to promote all new flavors and equipment on your most popular social media pages as well, or even have a promotion surrounding them.

Prioritize Customer Convenience

Finally, though many customers enjoy eating their ice cream in the store, some prefer to take theirs on the go for the sake of summer adventures. For this reasons, it's a good idea to make sure your store offers a number of convenient packaging options to allow customers to eat on the go without making a mess. Ultimately, understanding how to maximize summer sales potential is the key to ongoing store success. For more information about Taylor ice cream machines, contact Soft Serve Parts.