7 Fantastic and Fun Frozen Yogurt Facts!

7 Fantastic and Fun Frozen Yogurt Facts!

If you’re running your own frozen yogurt shop, not only will you need to find a high quality frozen yogurt machine for sale, you’ll need to have plenty of knowledge on the product and the industry itself. Operating a successful shop requires more than just finding and purchasing a yogurt machine for sale, you need to know all the ins and outs about frozen yogurt and exactly how fun and strange this dessert can be. 

Here are some downright fascinating frozen yogurt facts! 

  • Frozen yogurt doesn't just come from cow's milk. The milk of sheep, water buffalo, and goats are used to create delicious frozen yogurt across the United States. Additionally, in Western China and the Middle East, camel and yaks produce this frozen dessert as well.
  • Originally, frozen yogurt was made dry as a powdered form of real yogurt. The powder was then mixed with water or another liquid and poured into a soft serve machine.
  • Frozen yogurt (or custard) must contain a minimum of 10% milk fat, as well as at least 1.4% egg yolk solids.
  • Retail sales of frozen yogurt and non-dairy ice cream actually dropped 10% in the last two years, reaching approximately $299 million in 2016. Still, despite any resent struggles, frozen yogurt has more than tripled its earnings today when compared to 30 years ago.
  • Yogurt has been around for nearly 5,000 years, but frozen yogurt was only introduced as early as 1970.
  • Frozen yogurt has many names and old names, including: "froyo," "frogurt," "Humphreez Yogart," and even "Danny."
  • Frozen yogurt offers plenty of health benefits, including: boosting the immune system, lowering cholesterol, preventing certain yeast infections, assisting with lactose intolerance and milk protein digestion, and is a great source of calcium, potassium, protein, and vitamins B12 and Riboflavin.

This fun dessert doesn't seem to be going anywhere, so it's time you start enjoying more of it and even offering it to your customers. If you want to learn more about this delicious industry or find a quality frozen yogurt machine for sale or a soft serve ice cream machine for sale, give Soft Serve Parts a call today!